廣仁堂中醫診所減重 中醫減肥 你該了解數十年有效經驗的中醫診所經驗技術~










  本書以鴉片戰爭前後於中國境內或香港等地創辦了三份英文報刊:The Chinese Repository (1832−1851), The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (1867−1941) 及The China Review (1872−1906)為蒐集範圍。蒐集此三種刊物中有關Formosa的相關報導及研究專文的集子。

  內容大致分為專題性文章,旅行或航行錄,關於Formosa的出版品介紹或書評,通訊(Correspondence)與日誌(Journal)等四類。內容包括:台、澎的地理,台灣的歷史、物產,國姓爺的生平,原住民的族群、語言、宗教、迷信、醫病方式,台灣沿海發生的船難及交涉,天災與動亂,中法戰爭(1884)甲午戰爭(1894−95)期間及戰後台灣的狀況,基督新教在台灣的傳教活動及遭遇的困難、信徒人數的統計、淡水偕醫館(Mackay Mission Hospital)與牛津學堂(Oxford college)的成立與年度報告,有關Formosa的新書出版訊息與書評等等,堪稱包羅萬象可補台灣史研究資料不足。






張秀蓉 Chang Hsiu-Jung



Acknowledgements  xv
序   xvii
Introduction  xix
導言 xxiii
Notes    xxvi
凡例     xxvii

The Chinese Repository, 1832–1851   1
01   Ta Tsing Wan-neën Yih-tung King-wei Yu-too.......... June 1832  2
02   Journal of a residence in Siam, and of a voyage along the coast of China to Mantchou Tartary ...................... July 1832 3
003   Journal of Occurrences .............................................. December 1832  4
004   Journal of Occurrences ..............................................January 1833    5
005   Journal of Occurrences ........................................... February 1833 5
006   Journal of Occurrences ............................................... March 1833    6
007   Journal of Occurrences ................................................... May 1833  6
008   Journal of Occurrences ................................................... June 1833 7
009   Prophecy ...................................................................... August 1833    8
010   Journal of Occurrences .............................................October 1833 9
011   Reviews: History of the Indian Archipelago..........January 1834   10
012   Miscellanies.................................................................January 1834 11
013  Art. III Chinese-pirates: Ching Chelung; his son Ching Ching-Kung ........................................................ June 1834    31
014  Art. II  Memoris of Count Benyowsky.................... March 1835   42
015  Art. 1 Remarks on reöpening the trade with Southern Archipelago............................................. February 1837   56
016   Journal of Occurrences ........................................... February 1837 57
017   Art. II  Coast of China .................................................. May 1837  59
018  Art. III  Remarks on Formosa, respecting the rebellion of Choo Yihkwei........................................January 1838 62
019  Art. III Brief sketch of the Dutch intercourse with Japan from its commencement ....................................April 1838 77
020  Art. VI  Notices of Formosa, gleaned from the works of François. Valentyn. Published at Amsterdam, 1729.From a Correspondent ..................................................April 1838    77
021  Art. 1  Retrospection, or a review of public occurrences in China .................................................January 1842 87
022  Art. 1  Retrospection, or a review of public occurrences in China ............................................November 1842    88
023  Art. VII Journal of Occurrences: Visit of H. M. brig Serpent to Formosa.......................................November 1842   89
024  Art. IV Topography of Fukien; situation and boundaries of the province................................... December 1842   93
025  Art. VI  Retrospection, or a review of public occurrences in China ............................................ December 1842   94
026  Art. VII Journal of Occurrences: dispatches from Kíying: arrival of I´lípú ..............................................January 1843   100
027  Art. II  Hiun Ping Yún-Yen, or Important Instructions to soldiers ........................................... February, 1843   101
028  Art. VII Journal of Occurrences: rescript of his imperial majesty’s to the memorial of Kíying ..... February 1843   101
029  Art. I Narrative of the loss of the English brig Ann....................................................................................... March 1843   105
030  Art. II Narrative of the loss of the English brig Ann........................................................................................... May 1843   116
031  Art. IX Journal of Occurrences: memorial of H. E. of I´liáng regarding the affair on Formosa........ September 1843  133
032  Art. 1 Sailing Directions for the Panghú, or Pescadore Archipelago, with notices of the islands....................... June 1845   139
033  Art. VI  Journal kept by Mr. Gully and Cap. Denham, during a captivity in China in the Year 1842 .............. June 1845   151
034   Art. VII Peking Gazettes ................................... September 1846   158
035  Art. VIII Journal of Occurrences ............................January 1847   159
036  Art. VI Journal of Occurrences: Visit of the U.S. brig Dolphin to Formosa ........................................................ July 1849   159
037  Art. V  Journal of Occurrences: attack on pirates in Mir’s bay, and correspondence relating to it ............ March 1850   162
038  Art. III Japan: A Translation of the 12th Chapter of the Hái-Kwoh Tú Chí, 海國圖志 ..............................April 1850   168
039  Art. V  Journal of Occurrences: Loss of the English ship Larpent on Formosa............................................... May 1851   170
040  Art. II The Army of the Chinese Empire.................... July 1851  174
041  Art. XI Journal of Occurrences: Search for foreignersin Formosa......................................................................... July 1851   175
042  Art. 1 List of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese...............................................................August to December 1851   179

The Missionary Recorder, 1867 ................................................................. 187
043   Missionary Intelligence .................................................. June 1867 188
044   Medical Instruction ................................................... August 1867  188

The Chinese Recorder, 1868–1900........................................................... 187
045   Violent Persecution in Formosa............................... August 1868   189
046  The Medical Mission at Canton .............................October 1868  195
047   Missionary intelligence......................................... December 1868   196
048   Medical Missionary Work in China .......................January 1869   197
049   Correspondence: The Present State of Affairs in Formosa..........................................................................................April 1869   197
050  The Protestant Missionaries of China..................... August 1869  200
051   Missionary Intelligence ............................................. August 1869   200
052   Medical Mission Work in Formsa..................... September 1869   201
053   Missionary Intelligence ....................................... September 1869   203
054   Missionary Intelligence ....................................... September 1869   204
055   Correspondence: “Veritas” without Verity .........November 1869   205
056   Missionary Intelligence ........................................ December 1869   208
057   Formosa Indigo ................................................................ July 1870   209
058   Missionary Intelligence ....................................... September 1870   210
059   Missionary Work among the Formosa Aborigines.................................................................................November 1870   211
060   Correspondence: Respecting Missionary Disturbance at Chefoo and Taiwan......................... August 1871   213
061   Medical Missions .................................................. May-June 1874   222
062   Missionary News...............................November-December 1874   224
063   Medical Missions. With reference to the Rev. W. Scarborough’s paper in the May-June number of the Chinese Recorder ......................................January-Feberary 1875   224
064   Missionary News.............................................. March-April 1875   226
065   Notes of a Journey in East Formosa................... May-June 1875   228
066   Missionary News................................................... May-June 1875   236
067  The Number of Missionaries in China in 1875............................................................... September-October, 1875   237
068   Missionary News...................................... January-February 1876   237
069   Statistics of the English Presbyterian Mission in Formosa ............................................................. March-April 1876   238
070   A Journey in Formosa...................................... March-April 1876   240
071   Missionary News...................................................May-June, 1877   256
072   In Memoriam Rev. Carstairs Douglas, A. M., LL.D................................................................. September-October 1877   257
073  Statistics of Protestant Missions in China ...March-April, 1878   259
074   Missionary News..............................................March-April, 1878   260
075   Report of the China Missions of the Presbyterian Church of England for 1877 ............................ July-August 1878   261
076   Missionary News................................................ July-August 1878   268
077  Notices of Recent Publications: The Gospel in China ..................................................... September-October 1878   269
078   Missionary News.............................................. March-April 1879   270
079  Notices of Recent Publications: The Gospel in China ...................................................................... May-June 1879   271
080   Missionary News.................................. September-October 1879   271
081   Notices of Recent Publications: Report of the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of England for 1879.................................................. September-October 1880   272
082   Missionary News...............................November-December 1880   273
083   Missionary News.............................................. March-April 1881   273
084   Missionary News...................................... January-February 1882   274
085   Missionary News................................................ July-August 1882   274
086   To the Missionaries in China......................... March-April 1884   275
087   Missionary News................................................... May-June 1884   276
088   Missionary News................................................ July-August 1884   277
089  Influences of the War on Mission Work in Formosa and Amoy.................................. January-February 1885   278
090  Troubles in North Formosa .................... January-February 1885   280
091  The Political Status of Missionaries and Native Chritians in China ...................................................... March 1885   282
092  The Anti-Christian Riots in the Province of Canton in Sept. 1884 .................................................................... May 1885   283
093  Editorial Notes and Missionary News......................... May 1885   287
094   Return to Formosa .......................................................... June 1885   288
095   Editorial Notes and Missionary News......................... June 1885   290
096   Missionary Journal .......................................................... June 1885   290
097   Echoes From Other Land............................................... July 1885   291
098   Editorial Notes and Missionary News: Miscellaneous Items ...................................................................... September 1885   291
099  Editorial Notes and Missionary News: A Chino-phonographic System ...............................................October 1885   292
100   Missionary Journal .................................................. February 1886   293
101  Editorial Notes and Missionary News........................April 1886   293
102  Editorial Notes and Missionary News........................April 1886   294
103   Several Reports of Medical Work................................. June 1886   294
104  Editorial Notes and Missionary News.......................... July 1886   295
105  Editorial Notes and Missionary News...................October 1886   296
106  Editorial Notes and Missionary News....................January 1887   297
107  A Few Notes from the Pescadores........................ February 1887   298
108   Echors from Other Lands ............................................. May 1887   309
109  Editorial Notes and Missionary News......................... June 1886   310
110  Editorial Notes and Missionary News.......................... July 1887   310
111  Editorial Notes and Missionary News.............. September 1887   311
112  Editorial Notes and Missionary News.............. September 1887   312
113  Editorial Notes and Missionary News....................January 1888   312
114   Diary of Events in the Far East ...............................January 1888   313
115   Diary of Events in the Far East ...................................April 1888   313
116  Editorial Notes and Missionary News.............. September 1888   314
117  Correspondence: From Formosa.........................November 1888   314
118  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1888   315
119  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1888   316
120  Diary of Events in the Far East .......................... December 1888   316
121   Our Book Table..........................................................January 1889   317
122   Editorial Notes and Missionary News....................January 1889   317
123   Diary of Events in the Far East ...............................January 1889   318
124   Missionary Journal .....................................................January 1889   319
125  Diary of Events in the Far East ............................ February 1889   319
126  Editorial Notes and Missionary News..................... March 1889   320
127   Our Book Table............................................................... May 1889   320
128   Correspondence: Anniversary of Dr. Mackay’s Arrival at Tamsui.............................................................. July 1889   321
129   Our Book Table................................................................ July 1889   324
130   Our Book Table.................................................... September 1889   324
131  Editorial Notes and Missionary News...................October 1889   330
132  Diary of Events in the Far East ............................ February 1890   330
133   Diary of Events in the Far East ................................ March 1890   331
134   Diary of Events in the Far East ................................ March 1890   331
135   Diary Events in the Far East........................................April 1890   331
136  Memorial Sketch of Carstairs Douglas, LL.D. .......... June 1890   332
137  Editorial Notes and Missionary News......................... June 1890   333
138  To What extent ought we as Missionaries to appeal to the Secular Arm in behalf of Chinese Christians ? March 1891   333
139   Editorial Comment..................................................... March 1891   334
140   Missionary News............................................................. June 1891   335
141   Our Book Table................................................................ July 1891   335
142   Missionary News........................................................ August 1891   337
143   Missionary News................................................... December 1891   337
144   Missionary News........................................................January 1892   338
145   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... May 1892   339
146   Our Book Table.................................................... September 1892   339
147  Protestant Missionary Work in China...................October 1892   340
148  Ignorant and Superstitious Methods of Curing Disease in North Formosa ...................................November 1892   341
149   In Memoriam ........................................................November 1892   348
150   Missionary News...................................................November 1892   349
151  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1892   350
152  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1892   351
153   Missionary News......................................................... March 1893   351
154   Missionary News......................................................... March 1893   352
155   Missionary Journal ...................................................... March 1893   352
156   Missionary Journal ...................................................... March 1893   353
157   Missionary News............................................................April 1893   353
158   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... June 1894   354
159   Missionary Journal ..................................................... August 1894   354
160   Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1894   355
161   Mission Work in Formosa ..................................... February 1895   355
162   Diary of Events in the Far East ................................ March 1895   369
163   Diary of Events in the Far East ...................................April 1895   370
164   Editorial Comment......................................................... May 1895   371
165   Editorial Comment......................................................... May 1895   372
166   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... May 1895   372
167   Editorial Comment......................................................... June 1895   373
168   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... June 1895   373
169   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... June 1895   374
170   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... June 1895   374
171  Correspondence: Taiwanfoo, Formosa .......................... July 1895   375
172  Correspondence: Mount Morrison, Formosa .............. July 1895   377
173   Diary of Events in the Far East ..................................... July 1895   379
174   Diary of Events in the Far East ..................................... July 1895   379
175   Diary of Events in the Far East ..................................... July 1895   380
176   Editorial Comment.................................................... August 1895   380
177   Diary of Events in the Far East ..............................October 1895   381
178  Changes in the Aspect of Mission Work in view of Recent Events ...................................................November 1895   382
179  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   384
180  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   384
181  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   385
182  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   385
183  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   386
184  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   386
185  Diary of Events in the Far East ..........................November 1895   387
186   Editorial Comment....................................................January 1896   387
187   Missionary news.........................................................January 1896   388
188   Diary of Events in the Far East ...............................January 1896   388
189  Diary of Events in the Far East ............................ February 1896   389
190  Diary of Events in the Far East ............................ February 1896   389
191   Our Book Table................................................................ July 1896 390
192   Diary of Events in the Far East ............................... August 1896 392
193  Diary of Events in the Far East .......................... December 1896      393
194  Diary of Events in the Far East .......................... December 1896      394
195   Editorial Comment....................................................January 1897    394
196   Diary of Events in the Far East .................................... June 1897   395
197  The Karuizawa Council of 1897 ..............................January 1898     395
198   English Presbyterian Mission, Formosa ...................... May 1898   397
199   Editorial Comment......................................................... June 1898 412
200   Our Book Table.................................................... September 1898    413
201   Our Book Table.........................................................October 1898 417
202  Diary of Events in the Far East ......................... September 1898      421
203  Returns of Native Church Attendance Census................................................................................. December 1898   421
204   South Formosa Notes..................................................... May 1899   422
205   Correspondence: A Correction ...................................... July 1899   425
206   Our Book Table....................................................... February 1900   426
The China Review, 1872–1906    427
207   A Gossip About Formosa ................................... September 1873   428
208  Formosan Dialects and Their Connection With the Malay ................................................................................. July 1874   440
209  The Aborigines of Formosa .................................November 1874  453
210   Short Notices of New Books and Literary Intelligence.................................................................................November 1874   460
211   Short Notices of New Book .......................................... May 1879   460
212  Notes on the Dutch Occupation of Formosa .. September 1881   461
213  The History of Formosa under the Chinese Government ................................................................January 1884   471
214  The Life of Koxinga ............................. September/October 1884  486
215  The Life of Koxinga .......................... November/December 1884  501
216   A Sketch of Formosa ............................................November 1884   513
217   Earthquakes In China ..........................................November 1885   576
218   Volcanic Phenomena in Kokonor and Manchuria and Earthquakes in Chihli and Formosa................. March 1886   580
219   Notes and Queries ............................................... September 1886   581
220   Notes and Queries ................................................November 1886   581
221   Notes and Queries .......................................................... May 1888   582
222   Notes and Queries .......................................................... May 1888   584
223  The Maritime Wars of the Manchus........................ March 1889  587
224   A Pasquinade From Formosa ..............................November 1889   601
225  Notes of new Books and Literary Intelligence ........... May 1890   609
226  Notes of New Books and Literary Intelligence .......... May 1890   612
Index    613


  • ISBN:9789867602022
  • 規格:精裝 / 656頁 / 17 x 23 x 4.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



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